Monday, November 29, 2010


Attorney Oxman says it is a 2nd degree murder on michael`s case...the doctor that performing the autopsy can say it is a murder case based on his experience.....doctors attended michael in emergency room in ucla where michael was brought have observed that michael body have a lividity already which the body is dead for 6-8 hours they ask murray to sign on  the confirmation data filed in the hospital since he is the first doctor who saw the dead body of michael but murray refuse to sign.....why because maybe he was not there when michael died..there were rumors that murray was in a bar having a drink alone the night michael was killed.
murray knew the plans that there were plans to kill michael....the latest that i read is that murray is pin pointing arnold klien responsible for the killing of michael who administered  the diprivan .....of course  murdering a person is not a easy is planned by 3-5 people it can not be done by one person alone ..first you should have the motive why you have to kill the person...maybe michael  refuses or against there will....second the venue, where the killing will be done so as not the public may not discover ..the killer should have connection on the owner of the venue....3rd factor in murdering is they planned a concert so they can control michael because the concert promoter dictates what michael should do like as if  they own michael......4th  factor is weapon used in murdering is diprivan they use....because they declare michael is a drug no one will dare to ask why he died......if you will scrutinize the music career of michael why did sony kept michael from 1986-2001 ...if michael was a drug addict....child molester.....jacko wacko...all of those tag in his name....pepsi  did not continue there endorsement contract with michael after the 1993 molestation charges in 1993...why did sony continue michael as there talent recording artist of sony for many years.......because of the contract agreements says that the artist should not be involved on misconduct that can affect the image of the company.....why?  because sony is part of the negative publicity and  they pay for the album you will notice  everytime sony will  sell new mj album.....negative publicity like the molestation charges wayback.....come up again and again......they want michael not because he is michael jackson...they want michael because michael owns half of sony......this is michael says in his video 2002 ...he owns half of sony........this is the reason why they made it homicide  so that one person is blamed......homicide case declaration  was the responsibility of the district attorney coolie...he knows that it is murder and he change it to homicide as a cover up to the big people behind this which THEY ARE  his financial supporters of the recent election for the position of attorney general......I HOPE NEWLY ELECTED KAMALA D HARRIS ATTORNEY GENERAL TO REVIEW AND DECLARE IT AS A  2ND DEGREE MURDER CASE......atty.oxman and mr.joe jackson should not stop find ways to defend michael and his estate and  stop the evil things done to michael....IF HE WILL NOT DO IT NOW   WHEN WILL HE DO IT......TODAY IS THE START OF  A NEW BEGINNING.....TO ALL MJ FANS WORLD WIDE LET US UNITE AND STAND AS ONE.......BOYCOTT SONY    !!!!!!!!!!!!!THE JACKSON FAMILY CAN NOT LIVE FOREVER IN THE SHADOW OF SONY... JUSTIC SHOULD REIGN   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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